1968 | 東京都生まれ |
1994 | 多摩美術大学美術学部彫刻科卒業 |
2001 | 文化庁派遣芸術家在外研修員(ニューヨーク) |
2005 | 国際藝術研究センター第1期研究員(宮島達男フェロー) |
2018 | 「crossing points- A Scene of Light」MARUEIDO JAPAN (東京) |
「crossing points- 線が織りなす宇宙」GALLERY 麟 (東京) | |
「crossing points- red cage」ART OFFICE OZASA (京都) | |
「空形」Art Issue Projects(台北) | |
「MIYUKI YOKOMIZO」Noblesse Collection(ソウル) | |
2017 | 「synchronicity」18th Street Arts Center(ロサンゼルス) |
「光の箱/GRID」Operation Table(福岡) | |
「集積・」GALLERY 麟(東京) | |
2016 | 「集積・」ozasakyoto(京都) |
2015 | 「DWELL」ozasahayashi_kyoto(京都) |
「in red」gallery77(東京) | |
2005 | 「invisibility」Galerie Aube 京都造形芸術大学国際藝術研究センター(京都) |
2002 | 「Please Wash Away」Snug Harbor Cultural Center(ニューヨーク) |
2001 | 「Blue-Sky, Air, Empty」パークタワーギャラリー(東京) |
2000 | 「休息の光景」セゾンアートプログラム(東京) |
「Respite of Light」Za Gallery(東京)(東京) | |
「Please Wash Away」Za Gallery(横浜)(東京) | |
1999 | 「Green/ Wander from Place to Place」双Gallery(東京) |
1998 | 「Raining, Criterium37」水戸芸術館(茨城) |
1997 | 「Please Wash Away」Gallery Q(東京) |
「Tranquility」赤城高原ギャラリーMOVE(群馬) | |
1995 | 「Bath Room」Gallery Q(東京) |
2019-20 | 「未来への回路—日本の新世代アーティスト」国際交流基金 |
「Miyuki Yokomizo & Shingo Francis」Gallery Lee & Bae (釜山) | |
2019 | 「眼福」 MARUEIDO JAPAN(東京) |
2018 | 「Circle of Life」 Gallery Lee & Bae(釜山) |
2017 | 「クインテットⅢ」損保ジャパン日本興亜美術館(東京) |
2015 | 「浮游する表象」ozasahayashi_project(京都) |
「INAUGURAL EXHIBITION」ozasahayashi_kyoto(京都) | |
「Forest of Exponentials」Paul Loya Gallery(ロサンゼルス) | |
2013 | 「FACE 2013 損保ジャパン美術賞展」損保ジャパン東郷青児美術館(東京) |
「KYOTO STUDIO」京都市立芸術大学ギャラリー@KCUA(京都) | |
「KYOTO OPEN STUDIO 2013」A.S.K(京都) | |
2012 | 「六甲ミーツアート2012」六甲山ホテル(神戸) |
「KYOTO OPEN STUDIO 2012」A.S.K(京都) | |
2011 | 「京都アペルト」A.S.K(京都) |
「マルチプル multiple」prinz(京都) | |
「手術台の上の花とドラゴン」Oparation Table(福岡) | |
2010 | 「探索者 石井厚生 退職記念展」多摩美術大学美術館(東京) |
2008 | 「Mediations Biennale」MONA INNER SPACES(ポズナン、ポーランド) |
「CAMOUFLASH/Disappear in ART」UNOACTU(ドレスデン、ドイツ) | |
2007 | 「国際芸術家会議ーCAMOUFLASH」パティオ・アート・センター(ウッジ、ポーランド) |
「Remembrance of things passing」海岸通ギャラリーCASO(大阪) | |
2006 | 「DOMANI『明日を担う美術家たち』」損保ジャパン東郷青児美術館(東京) |
2005 | 「Ma」Nac Gallery(ノヴァーラ、イタリア) |
2004 | 「自然との会話」国際芸術センター青森(青森) |
「Chateau De La Napoule」(フランス) | |
2003 | 「Bodies+Space」Taipei Artist Village(台湾) |
「盗まれた自然」DIC川村記念美術館(千葉) | |
2002 | 「傾く小屋」東京都現代美術館(東京) |
「D.U.M.B.O Art Under the Bridge Festival」(ブルックリン、ニューヨーク) | |
「Art front/Waterfront~Site-Ations, The Staten Island North Shore」 Snug Harbor Cultural Centre, New house Center for Contemporary Art(ニューヨーク) |
2001 | 「Noriki Tokuda and Miyuki Yokomizo」CAS Contemporary Art and Spirits(大阪) |
2000 | 「プラスチックの時代、ART AND DESIGN」埼玉県立近代美術館(埼玉) |
1998 | 「閉じているという意識-The Consciousness of the Inside」ギャラリー日鉱(東京) |
「様々な眼’97」かわさきIBM市民文化ギャラリー(神奈川) | |
1995 | 「The Whole Heart-1995」Gallery Q(東京) |
2008 | 「メディエイション・ビエンナーレ」 (ポーランド) |
「CAMOUFLASH/Disappearing in Art UNOACTU」(ドレスデン、ドイツ) | |
2007 | 「国際芸術家会議招待作家」(ポーランド),野村国際文化財団助成 |
2005-2015 | 「未来への回路−日本の新世代アーティスト」世界巡回中 |
2017 | 18th Street Arts Center (ロサンゼルス) |
2004 | Chateau De La Napoule(フランス) |
国際芸術センター青森(青森) | |
2003 | Taipei Artist Village(台湾) |
2001-2 | Snug Harbor Cultural Center(ニューヨーク) |
2016 | 「with time」フォーシーズンズホテル(京都) |
2014 | 「invisibility 2014」島津製作所本社ビル(京都) |
「Weave words 2014」ザ・リッツ・カールトン京都(京都) | |
2012 | 「invisibility 2012」パレスホテル東京(東京) |
2011 | 「Rain Drop 2011」YAU TONG ESTATE 香港政府開発センタービル(香港) |
2009 | 「SPATIO TEMPORAL」スカパー東京メディアセンター(東京) |
2006 | 「Raining 2006」麻布第一マンションズ六本木(東京) |
2005 | 「Raining-AMANOGAWA」関西医科大学附属枚方病院(大阪) |
2004 | 「Please Wash Away」国際交流基金 |
Born in Tokyo, Japan
Lives and works in Kyoto, Japan
2023 | Shadow, Gallery LEE&BAE, Busan, South Korea |
Still Water, Gallery Rin, Tokyo | |
2022 | Visible / Invisible, Double Square Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan |
7Lines -Yokomizo Miyuki, 77Gallery,Tokyo | |
Miyuki Yokomizo, Morioka bookstore,Tokyo | |
2021 | Landscape: Over the Soft horizon, Pola Museum Annex,Tokyo |
Landscape: Gathering of the Light, Marueido Japan,Tokyo | |
Yokomizo Miyuki: Canvas Works, Gallery Rin,Tokyo | |
Yokomizo Miyuki, B.B.ART,Tainan, Taiwan | |
2020 | Untitiled 2020, Marueido Japan, Tokyo |
Between the Lines, Gallery Rin, Tokyo | |
2019 | invisibility 2005→2019, Marueido Japan,Tokyo |
Untitled, Art Office Ozasa,Kyoto | |
2018 | Crossing points: A Scene of Light, Marueido Japan,Tokyo |
Crossing points: Weaving Cosmos with Strings, Gallery Rin,Tokyo | |
Crossing points: Red Cage, Art Office Ozasa,Kyoto | |
INVISIBLE SHAPE, Art Issue Projects, Taipei | |
MIYUKI YOKOMIZO, Noblesse Collection, Seoul | |
2017 | synchronicity, 18th Street Arts Center, Los Angels |
Ligt of Box/GRID, Operation Table, Fukuoka | |
accumulation・, Gallery Rin, Tokyo | |
2016 | accumulation・, Art Office Ozasa, Kyoto |
2015 | dwell, ozasahayashi, Kyoto |
in red, gallery 77, Tokyo | |
2005 | invisibility, Galerie Aube, Kyoto |
2002 | Please Wash Away, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, New house Center for Contemporary Art, NY |
2001 | Blue – Sky, Air, Empty, Park Tower Gallery, Tokyo |
2000 | a scene of the respite, Saison Art Program, Tokyo |
Respite of Light, Za Gallery, Tokyo | |
Please Wash Away, Za Gallery, Yokohama | |
1999 | Green – Wander from Place to Place, Sou Gallery, Tokyo |
1998 | Raining, Criterium 37, Contemporary Art Center Art Tower Mito, Ibaragi |
1997 | Please Wash Away, Gallery Q, Tokyo |
Tranquility, Akagi Kogen Gallery Move, gunma | |
1995 | Bath Room, Gallery Q, Tokyo |
2023 | Abstraction: The Genesis and Evolution of Abstract Painting Cézanne, Fauvism, Cubism and on to Today, ARTIZON MUSEUM, Tokyo |
Quinque, Marueido Japan, Tokyo | |
2022 | Shihoko Fukumoto and Miyuki Yokomizo, Two Artists Exhibition, Tosei Gallery, Kyoto |
White and Black, Light and Shadow, Takashimaya, Tokyo,Kyoto, Osaka, Nagoya | |
2021 | Re: Diffusion, Marueido Japan, Tokyo |
2020 | Heimen to Rittai (Painting & Sculpture)―Kyomei suru Nostalgia (Resonant Nostalgia), Takashimaya, Tokyo,Kyoto, Osaka, Nagoya |
2019 | Miyuki Yokomizo & Shingo Francis, Gallery Lee & Bae, Busan |
2019 | Gampuku, Marueido Japan”, Tokyo |
2004-19 | Passage to The Future: Art from a New Generation in Japan, Travelled in the World |
2018 | Bae Sang-Sun and Miyuki Yokomizo: Circle of Life, Gallery Lee & Bae, Busan |
Diffusion, Marueido Japan, Tokyo | |
2017 | Quintet III: Five Star Artists, Sompo Japan Museum of Art, Tokyo |
2015 | Floating Figure, Ozasahayashi Project, Kyoto |
Inaugural Exhibition, Ozasahayashi, Kyoto | |
Forest of Exponentials, Paul Loya Gallery, Los Angeles | |
2013 | Face 2013, Sompo Japan Museum of Art, Tokyo |
Kyoto Studio, Kyoto City Unversity of Arts Art Gallery, Kyoto | |
Kyoto Open Studio 2013, Atelier Share Kyoto, Kyoto | |
2012 | Rokko Meets Art 2012, Rokko Hotel, Kobe |
Kyoto Open Studio 2012, Atelier Share Kyoto, Kyoto | |
2011 | Kyoto Aperto 2011” Atelier Share Kyoto, Kyoto |
Multiple, Prinz, Kyoto | |
A Flower and Dragon on The Operating Table, Operation Table, Fukuoka | |
2010 | Explore, Tama University of Arts Museum, Tokyo |
2008 | Mediations Biennale, Mona Inner Spaces, Poznan, Poland |
Camouflash/Disappear in Art, Unoactu, Dresden, Germany | |
2007 | International Artists Meeting, Patio Art Center, Lodz, Poland |
Remembrance of things passing, Contemporary Art Space Osaka, Osaka | |
2006 | Domani, Sompo Japan, Museum of Art, Tokyo |
2005 | Ma, Nac Gallery, Novara, Italy |
2004 | Conversation with Nature, Aomori Comtemporary Art Center, Aomori |
Chateau De La Napoule, France | |
2003 | Bodies+Space, Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan |
Purlorined Nature, Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art, Chiba | |
2002 | Slanting House, Museume of Comtemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo |
D.U.M.B.O Art Under the Bridge Festival, New York | |
Art front/Waterfront~Site-Ations, The Staten Island North Shore, Snug Harbor Cultural Centre, New house Center for Contemporary Art, NY | |
2001 | Noriki Tokuda and Miyuki Yokomizo, CAS Contemporary Art and Spirits, Osaka |
2000 | Plastic Age, Art and Design, The Museum of Modern Art Saitama, Saitama |
1998 | Subterranean: The Consciousness of the Inside, Gallery Nikko, Tokyo |
Samazama na me, IBM Kawasaki City Gallery, Kanagawa | |
1995 | The Whole Heart-1995, Gallery Q, Tokyo |
2017 | 18th Street Arts Center (Los Angels) |
2007 | Nomura Foudation |
2005 | International Research Center for the Arts |
2004 | Aomori Comtemporary Art Center, Aomori |
Chateau De La Napoule, France | |
2003 | Taipei Artists Villagem Taipei, Taiwan |
2001 | Snug Habor Cultural Center, NY USA |
Toranomon Hills Residential Tower, Tokyo | ||
JAL First Class Lounge, Tokyo International Airport [Haneda], Tokyo | ||
with time, Four Seasons Hotel Kyoto, Kyoto | ||
invisibility 2014, SHIMADAZU, Kyoto, Kyoto | ||
Weave words, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Kyoto, Kyoto | ||
invisibility 2012, THE PALACE HOTEL TOKYO, Tokyo | ||
Rain Drop, Domain, YAU TONG ESTATE, Yau Tong, Hong Kong | ||
Spatio Temporal, SkyperfecTV! Media Center Tokyo, Tokyo | ||
Raining, Azabu Daiichi Mansions, Tokyo | ||
Raining-Milky way, Kansai Medical University Hirakata Hospital, Osaka | ||
Please wash away, Japan Foundation |
2005 | Fellow Artist, International Research Center for The Arts |
2001 | Fellowship of Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Arts, The Agency for Cultural Affairs |
1994 | BFA, Tama Art University, Tokyo |